Thursday, April 17, 2014

Into the Hills We Went

 Monday was my first official international missionary performance and I loved it! Now, I don't like the title of missionary for just a short mission trip, but I consider this title as a big responsibility that I have to fulfill daily. I learned in my church, that wherever I am and whenever the Spirit leads me to, I have to be ready, willing and receptive to share about the Kingdom with whoever is in the way, no matter how it looks like to other people around, and that's what being a missionary is all about. Everybody needs Jesus, and even though not everyone wants him, it is not our job to choose who gets to hear about him, but to speak about him to the ones He chose us to.

 This has been my mindset for a while now and it was up until I decided it to be this way that I started seeing all of the divine appointments that God sets for us on a daily basis. If I wouldn't had been willing to do ministry and translate for teams I wouldn't have met my fiancé for example. 

 One of these divine appointments happened on Sunday night when Panama greeted us at the border with a man and his wounded leg. He was asking for money but I knew there was a deeper need in his life. After I said hi to him and asked him to tell me his story, I prayed for him. His sad face faded away and a smile shinned through. He was not hungry, but starving for some love of God.

 The next day, on Monday, a lot of divine appointments happened too when we visited an indigenous school in the mountains of Quebrada del Loro in La Comarca, Panama. All of those little faces lighted up when they saw us getting out of the car after a tough 45 minute drive uphill. I had always wanted to be in a place where no one knew about Christ and I thought I'd need to travel to the other side of the world to get there. However, I got a huge surprise when I asked some of the kids here if they knew who Jesus is and they said no, but what really slapped me right on my face was when after a brief summary of who Jesus is they said they didn't believe in him, nor wanted to. Then I realized and was reminded of the need of the Gospel all over the world, even on our side of it.

 There's a church near by that's doing a great job in the area and the school wants the Bible to be taught in there. Danny and Heather (our contacts here) are doing an outstanding job too, but they need our support in prayers hardcore, so let's pray for them! 

 It was a pretty exciting day that started with me covering up some of my ink and taking my earrings off since we were serving with very conservative brothers, then I got to pray and give a word from The Lord to an old man, I also translated for members of another team that was there that were struggling trying to explain kickball to the kids in English, I taught some soccer to the kids, introduce Jesus to some of them and worshipped with the team.

 I also can't overlook God's mind-blowing provision that happened in such a short time exceeding all of my human expectations. Ashli, my fiancé, posted a blog about it here. You should check out how God used really awesome, willing and loving people to provide for this trip. Thank you for sowing!

It was such an honor to do my first mission trip with the best missionary...

 This trip had a crazy start and I can't wait to see what else God is holding for us in these few days left, I bet it's great.

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