So my fiancée has been gone for 70 days now. If you’re familiar with our relationship you know that we go everywhere together, do everything together and spend a lot of time together. Given the fact that she was new in my country when we first met and needed a friend to show her around, I, as the gentleman that I am, offered my assistance to this pretty lady in need! Long story short, she had to go back to the USA while we’re waiting for my visa to be approved and for us to get hitched up there. Since she’s been gone there’s been a huge empty space in my day-to-day life and it has been filled with a loneliness that has shown me that, no matter how much I don’t want to admit it, I depend on her to be happy, to feel fulfilled and satisfied.
I miss my best friend, my future wife and my partner in crime... |
With that said you can probably see where this is going. God woke me up and reminded me the He is enough. He is all I need to feel and be complete, but that's my own journey. Now, there’s nothing to be ashamed of when it comes down to feeling alone. ALL OF US have been there at some point of our lives. Some of us sink in it way more than others, but the feeling is the same - emptiness, hopelessness, loneliness.
When I was growing up I felt extremely rejected by my parents and family. I was always the “problem child” and that label pushed me farther and farther into solitude as I got older. Before I started following Jesus, I did some pretty stupid things to deal with my good ole friend Mr. Loneliness. Among those things were alcohol, twisted relationships, fights, getting in trouble, whatever helped to get some attention or ease the pain inside.
None of that worked, of course, and after I was done with it all and was saved I realized something: God was the only thing I hadn’t tried yet. When I finally did, the emptiness was filled. It was gone! Only God with His love could heal my broken heart and all of my wounds (Ps. 147:3). He made me understand that even if our closest loved ones forsake us He will take care of us (Ps. 27:10). And not just that, He also believes in me and asks me to be strong and of good courage for HE WILL NEVER ABANDON ME (Josh. 1:9). He has kept reminding me of these truths during the past 70 days as I was whining and asking if I was paying for all the wrong I did in my 20 something years.
During this season away from the woman that makes my heart swell, I’ve learned how to use loneliness to draw closer to Him, and to take advantage of that silence that seemed thicker than Play-Doh to listen to His voice more audible than ever before. After all, Jesus sought places to be with the Father. He knew that in being alone He could find a better communion with God.
How do I deal with this maddening loneliness of mine?
First, we have to know that loneliness is a very emotional thing, therefore there’s a few ways to attack it and here’s a list of the top 5 that I’ve found more successful:
Spend time in prayer and in the Word: It’s the best remedy for everything! You will find that God alone is all we need to fill every little empty space. Psalms are especially encouraging and always lift my spirit in times of incertitude. Search for Him in prayer at all time. Lonely times are usually very confusing, but those who seek the Lord understand all, says Proverbs 28:5.
Stay away from depressing music and/or movies: If the reason of your loneliness is a recent break up, the worst thing you can ever do is to listen to heart breaking love songs. Now, if this is not the reason why you feel this way, but it is rather a constant feeling, that rule applies too! Avoid filling your heart with crap while it is so susceptive and feed it with positivity and encouragement instead! (Prov. 4:23)
Work out: It has been proven that working out fights sadness and makes you feel better. Go out and run or walk for about 30 minutes every other day or daily if you have to, it's not only a good idea to get distracted but also you’ll feel way better physically and mentally. Trust me!
Help someone else: It might just sound crazy, but helping somebody in need or praying for the sick will make you see that life is not all about you or your current situation and will also give you a complete different perspective of the game.
Know that you’re not alone: The enemy walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour and just like a lion he will try to separate you from the herd. Reach out for people from your church (and if you’re not going to any yet this is a good time to start) or relatives or friends that you really trust and you’ll find that besides Jesus you can count on other people that love you!
God loves you unconditionally and He created you with a very specific purpose; don’t give up until you fulfill it!
“Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”
Isaiah 41:10